
FMCSA’s Entry-Level Driver Training Rule’s Compliance Date has Been Pushed Back to 2022

Driver Training Rule

Last year, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) made plans to schedule new entry-level driver training rules to be set for February 7th of this year. Now, that date has passed, the FMCSA is pushing the new rule until February 7, 2022, a whole two years after the original date. Behind the FMCSA Change … Continue reading “FMCSA’s Entry-Level Driver Training Rule’s Compliance Date has Been Pushed Back to 2022”

Employee Classification: ABC Testing and 1099 Drivers

Employee Classification

In the last 18 months, there’s been plenty of news coming out of California focusing on the gig economy and employee classification. A major sect that’s taken issue with the new regulations, such as the Dynamex and AB5 rulings, is the trucking industry, which sees a large number of its drivers operating as independent contractors. … Continue reading “Employee Classification: ABC Testing and 1099 Drivers”

California Truckers and Teamsters Appeal to Ninth Circuit After Ruling

CA Truck Insurance

The trucking industry in California has been caught up in a whirlwind of legal battles in the last few months as new legislation has been proposed, passed, and protested around the classification of workers in the industry. Everyone from truck drivers to dock workers to independent contractors are all involved as the state’s new AB5 … Continue reading “California Truckers and Teamsters Appeal to Ninth Circuit After Ruling”

California and Other States Aim to Move to Zero-Emission Trucks

California and Other States Aim to Move to Zero-Emission Trucks

California is leading the charge to enhance public health and move forward more quickly with the transition to cleaner transportation. Along with seven other states, California is committing to develop a plan to put hundreds of thousands of zero-emission trucks and public buses on the road throughout the state. The California Air Resources Board, in … Continue reading “California and Other States Aim to Move to Zero-Emission Trucks”

Trucking by the Numbers: Cargo Theft, Operational Costs, and More

Trucking by the Numbers Cargo Theft, Operational Costs, and More

The trucking industry has seen a seismic change in everything from day-to-day operations, technology, and operational costs, causing operators in the industry to have to review their goals, needs, and finances. With a new year upon us, it’s important to look at the outlook of the industry and see how companies need to adjust heading … Continue reading “Trucking by the Numbers: Cargo Theft, Operational Costs, and More”