
The Key Differences Between General Liability Insurance and Truck Liability Insurance Coverage

The Key Differences Between General Liability Insurance and Truck Liability Insurance Coverage

General liability insurance and specialized commercial truck insurance may sound like they are one and the same, or interchangeable, but there are some key differences that can be addressed to clear up confusion. The main thing to know is that a general liability policy  is not be enough to cover a trucking operation that wants … Continue reading “The Key Differences Between General Liability Insurance and Truck Liability Insurance Coverage”

Update: The NLRB Returns to its Independent Contractor Standard

Update: The NLRB Returns to its Independent Contractor Standard

On January 25, the National Labor Relations Board returned to its long-standing independent-contractor standard, which reaffirms the Board’s adherence to the traditional common-law test. The main rollout from this is that the Board described clearly the significance that entrepreneurial opportunity has in its determination of independent-contractor status. The Obama-era standard decided whether workers are employees … Continue reading “Update: The NLRB Returns to its Independent Contractor Standard”

Trucking News: What’s the Status on Owner-Operators in California?


Currently there are competing bills in California state legislature that are aiming to address an April 2018 ruling by the state’s Supreme Court that has threatened the traditional owner-operator model within the state. The bills are pointing to trucking groups wanting to upend years of law used to decide if a worker is an employee … Continue reading “Trucking News: What’s the Status on Owner-Operators in California?”

When Do Trucking Operations Need Occupational Accident Insurance?

When Do Trucking Operations Need Occupational Accident Insurance?

Those in the trucking industry know that being safe behind the wheel may not always come by easily. There are a number of things to consider when trying to be safe—from weather conditions to other drivers to the truck itself, it’s becoming even more dangerous to get behind the wheel of a truck. According to … Continue reading “When Do Trucking Operations Need Occupational Accident Insurance?”

How Trucking Operations Can Protect Their Drivers’ Mental Health

How Trucking Operations Can Protect Their Drivers’ Mental Health

While it’s important for trucking professionals to do their job well, including getting every haul to its destination on time and taking care of their payload to the utmost, it’s also important for drivers to take care of their self, just like how trucking companies can take care of their operations with truck insurance. Driving … Continue reading “How Trucking Operations Can Protect Their Drivers’ Mental Health”

Workers’ Compensation in the Trucking Industry

Workers’ Compensation in the Trucking Industry

For trucking professionals, taking care of yourself behind the wheel can already be more complicated given the payload you’re hauling. But when you throw other moving vehicles, winding roads, various weather conditions, and government regulations into the mix it makes the job even more of a liability. This is why workers’ compensation packages are so … Continue reading “Workers’ Compensation in the Trucking Industry”