Ensure You Have a Dash Cam Policy in Place

Dash cams in fleets offer motor carriers several advantages. They can be used as a tool to improve driver safety, reduce accident liability, enhance training opportunities, and protect against fraudulent claims, which can provide cost savings and greater operational efficiencies. Conveying these benefits is critical to getting driver buy-in. You want drivers not to view … Continue reading “Ensure You Have a Dash Cam Policy in Place”

CSA Scores Impact Trucking Insurance

Safety and compliance in the trucking industry are not just regulatory requirements; they directly impact a motor carrier’s insurance premiums. One of the key factors affecting trucking insurance rates is the Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) score. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) uses the CSA to measure a trucking firm’s safety record. These scores … Continue reading “CSA Scores Impact Trucking Insurance”

The Road Ahead with AI and Telematics in Trucking Insurance

The trucking industry is increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) and telematics to help manage risk and reduce Liability insurance costs. AI-driven telematics tracks trucks and other assets using GPS technology and onboard diagnostics (OBD) to plot their movements on a digital map. The data can reveal key insights, including speeding incidents, hard braking and sudden … Continue reading “The Road Ahead with AI and Telematics in Trucking Insurance”

Overview: FMCSA’s Crash Preventability Determination Program Expansion

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has expanded its Crash Preventability Determination Program (CPDP) to provide motor carriers and drivers with an enhanced mechanism for disputing non-preventable crashes. The program is designed to improve the fairness of safety records and ensure that preventable and non-preventable crashes are better delineated. The program’s expansion allows the … Continue reading “Overview: FMCSA’s Crash Preventability Determination Program Expansion”

On-the-Road Safety Saves Life, Protects Your CSA Score

Winter driving can be challenging, even for the most seasoned commercial truck drivers. Icy roads with reduced traction coupled with poor visibility make it hard to handle loads and for big rig drivers to stop. According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 70% of roads in the United States are in snowy areas, increasing the … Continue reading “On-the-Road Safety Saves Life, Protects Your CSA Score”

Late or Unreported Reporting Trucking Accident Claims Drive Up Insurance Costs

Increased claims costs and litigation, coupled with high verdicts and settlements, are driving up Commercial Automobile insurance costs. Another factor behind rising insurance costs is late or unreported accident claims.  There are various reasons why waiting to file the first notice of claim with an insurance company or not filing at all increases costs. The … Continue reading “Late or Unreported Reporting Trucking Accident Claims Drive Up Insurance Costs”

Are You in Compliance with Mandatory DOT Supervisor Training for CDL Drivers?

Supervisors overseeing CDL drivers must undergo mandatory training to recognize signs of drug and alcohol misuse and comply with FMCSA and USDOT regulations. Training ensures your team maintains road safety and fulfills federal requirements. Supervisor Training Requirements Employers must ensure that all personnel assigned to supervise drivers (CDL) obtain at least 60 minutes of alcohol … Continue reading “Are You in Compliance with Mandatory DOT Supervisor Training for CDL Drivers?”

Hurricane Preparedness for Trucking Operations

Weather researchers are predicting an explosive Atlantic hurricane season this year. Forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicted an 85% chance of an above-normal season, with 17 to 25 total named storms. Of those, eight to 13 are forecasted to become hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or higher), including four to seven … Continue reading “Hurricane Preparedness for Trucking Operations”

Controlling Driver Log Falsification

In December 2019, the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) rule took effect, requiring that most motor carriers use electronic devices that synchronize with the vehicle engine to track driver hours of service (HOS) instead of paper logbooks. The rule is intended to help create a safer work environment for drivers, making it easier and faster to … Continue reading “Controlling Driver Log Falsification”

Safety on the Road: Focusing on Preventing Distracted Driving

Thousands of people are killed, and hundreds of thousands more are seriously injured in distracted driving crashes every year, according to the National Safety Council (NSC). On average, nine people daily are killed in distracted driving crashes.  To help combat distracted driving, the NCS designated April as “Distracted Driving Awareness” month, during which free resources … Continue reading “Safety on the Road: Focusing on Preventing Distracted Driving”