Fatality Wrecks with Big Rigs Up 13%

An accident is the worst possible outcome for a truck driver, and fatality wrecks are every trucker’s nightmare. Unfortunately, research reveals that big rig collisions that result in death have risen sharply in recent years. Specifically, the National Highway Safety Traffic Safety Administration reports that semi-truck fatality wrecks are up by 13%. This alarming statistic … Continue reading “Fatality Wrecks with Big Rigs Up 13%”

General Advises Supreme Court Reject Review of AB-5

There has been plenty of discussions about a proper review of AB-5 and what the law entails for gig workers. The bill that the legislature passed in 2019 has made plenty of waves throughout the gig industry. You may think of musicians when you hear the word “gig,”.   However, this term describes a type of … Continue reading “General Advises Supreme Court Reject Review of AB-5”

Limiting the Speed for Truckers

Truck speed is something the trucking industry has dealt with for the longest time, and safety has always been an issue. Safety should always be the first thing a trucker focuses on. Ultimately, speed is indisputably one of the essential components of safety. Research reveals that semi-truck speeding increases the risk of accidents involving severe injuries and … Continue reading “Limiting the Speed for Truckers”

How To Improve Your Trucking Business Profit Margins Part 2

Many factors can influence a trucking company’s profit margins and what expenses they can afford on a daily basis. There are certain factors to consider, especially what truckers can control. You can’t control the weather, the whims of a client, or a supply chain disruption — but you can manage your maintenance practices, recruiting methods, … Continue reading “How To Improve Your Trucking Business Profit Margins Part 2”

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) International Roadcheck Event

Once a year, a three-day event initiative supports driver and vehicle safety through commercial vehicle inspections. The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) conducts the International Roadcheck Event. It is where certified inspectors look for areas of compliance, enforce infractions and help educate the thousands of truckers operating around the globe. Further, they hold this event … Continue reading “The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) International Roadcheck Event”

Trucker Work Environment & Sustainability Initiatives for 2022 (Part 1)

Trucker work environment and sustainability initiatives are on the table, and the industry is adapting in 2022. Many industries have faced pressure to improve sustainability, reduce carbon emissions, and adopt eco-friendly practices in the last few decades. Likewise, the trucking industry is no exception, and there’s been increased scrutiny directed toward its role in climate … Continue reading “Trucker Work Environment & Sustainability Initiatives for 2022 (Part 1)”

Identifying & Preventing Drowsy Driving

Every driver understands the problem of driving while distracted, but driving while sleepy or drowsy is often underestimated. According to the CDC, drowsy driving is a major problem in the US. It’s estimated that up to 6,000 fatal crashes annually may be caused by drowsy driving. The CDC goes on to comment that commercial drivers … Continue reading “Identifying & Preventing Drowsy Driving”

Winter Driving Safety for Truck Drivers (Part 2)

When winter weather starts to set in, your trucking operation may need to take additional steps to ensure winter truck driving safety, help drivers avoid accidents, protect the company truck fleet, and keep company drivers and others on the road out of harm’s way. Even if your operation currently provides drivers with extensive training and … Continue reading “Winter Driving Safety for Truck Drivers (Part 2)”

Winter Driving Safety for Truck Drivers (Part 1)

Winter weather creates a lot of potential hazards for truck drivers. Sudden storms and lingering snow and ice make roadways treacherous and much more difficult to navigate safely. Truckers often don’t have the luxury of staying home when the weather turns, as they are responsible for keeping up with a delivery schedule. However, there are … Continue reading “Winter Driving Safety for Truck Drivers (Part 1)”

Addressing & Preventing Trucking Crime (Part 2)

Personal Attacks Though uncommon, truckers are sometimes subject to personal attacks and muggings. These crimes are often committed with the intent to rob a trucker of their personal belongings, including any cash or valuables that they may have with them. When such crimes happen, they often take place at truck stops and other rest areas … Continue reading “Addressing & Preventing Trucking Crime (Part 2)”