Inside Finance/Lease Gap Coverage As Part of Physical Damage Truck Insurance

Our last article looked under the hood of Physical Damage Truck insurance, which provides owners/operators of truck and trailer equipment with collision and comprehensive coverage. Collision coverage protects you in the event of a collision or overturn, while Comprehensive coverage protects you against most other physical damage losses. These losses could be caused by fire, … Continue reading “Inside Finance/Lease Gap Coverage As Part of Physical Damage Truck Insurance”

Under the Hood of Physical Damage Truck Insurance

Your truck and trailer equipment are the lifeline of your business and represent a significant investment. If your truck is damaged in an accident or fire or vandalized or stolen, you’re off the road, and your business is temporarily sidelined. Physical Damage Truck insurance steps in to get your truck and equipment repaired or replaced, … Continue reading “Under the Hood of Physical Damage Truck Insurance”

Ensure Drivers Have the Right Documents for Compliance

Although it may not be your favorite aspect of being an owner-operator, paperwork management is a serious responsibility. You must have current documentation at all times, including for yourself as the driver, your truck and trailer, and, if applicable, your motor carrier. Missing documentation has serious consequences, including excessive violations that can negatively impact your … Continue reading “Ensure Drivers Have the Right Documents for Compliance”

Truck Safety: Past Driving Behaviors Provide Insight into Future Accidents

There is a lot to be said about looking at someone’s past work performance to get an idea of how they will do in the future. This goes for any occupation, including transportation. Look at a previous driver’s performance and behaviors to gain insight into whether he or she is a potential risk for future … Continue reading “Truck Safety: Past Driving Behaviors Provide Insight into Future Accidents”

Motor Truck Cargo Insurance Coverage

Does your trucking operation utilize a specific location where you bring in freight for ether warehousing, transloading, or just temporary storage in transit? Have you discussed this part of your operations with your insurance broker? Motor Truck Cargo Insurance What you may not know is that your motor truck cargo insurance policy likely will NOT … Continue reading “Motor Truck Cargo Insurance Coverage”

Insurance for LTL vs TL Operations: Part 1

Freight Capacity and Truckload vs. LTL Freight capacity is the term shippers use to describe the amount of space secured on trucks and other vehicles to carry their loads. Also known as trucking capacity, it is a critical aspect of managing supply chain deliveries. In the trucking industry, a shipping service that takes the entire … Continue reading “Insurance for LTL vs TL Operations: Part 1”

The Significance of Trucking Bonds

Trucking bonds are essential tools motor carriers and shippers need to safeguard against potential risks associated with transporting goods. As such, they play a critical role in the trucking industry. Any business that uses trucks to transport goods or provide services needs trucking bonds to finance operations safely. Trucking bonds provide a guaranteed third-party assurance … Continue reading “The Significance of Trucking Bonds”

What Truckers Need to Know About Operation Safe Driver Week

Operation safe driver week is almost here, and it will be an informative event about commercial truck safety. Large trucks contributed to 107,000 crashes that resulted in injuries in 2020, with 4,842 deaths. The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance created Operation Safe Driver Week to improve the driving behaviors of commercial and passenger vehicle drivers. The program accomplishes … Continue reading “What Truckers Need to Know About Operation Safe Driver Week”

Soaring Prices Leave Owner-Operators with Tough Choices.

Soaring prices across all avenues have left the trucking industry with plenty of decisions to make about cost-cutting. The trucking industry carries the weight of the country’s infrastructure and supply chain. It has traditionally consisted of large transportation companies, logistics businesses, and smaller owner-operators. Unfortunately, the industry is vulnerable to particular challenges, not the least … Continue reading “Soaring Prices Leave Owner-Operators with Tough Choices.”

Fatality Wrecks with Big Rigs Up 13%

An accident is the worst possible outcome for a truck driver, and fatality wrecks are every trucker’s nightmare. Unfortunately, research reveals that big rig collisions that result in death have risen sharply in recent years. Specifically, the National Highway Safety Traffic Safety Administration reports that semi-truck fatality wrecks are up by 13%. This alarming statistic … Continue reading “Fatality Wrecks with Big Rigs Up 13%”